New Year’s Resolutions for 2021

Hoping that Covid will soon be out of our lives, we have created the ultimate post-covid list of New Year’s resolutions for 2021.

Time to turn your life around and become the very best version of yourself. Are you ready?


1. Build a better budget

With all the salary cutbacks, reduced working hours and layoffs during the covid crisis your financial stability flew out of the window. It’s time to take a step back, reevaluate the situation, set up a plan to pay off any debts and start building a better budget. This may mean that you will have to start off at an unfulfilling job that just pays the bills for a while but in the long run, getting out of debt will help you focus on a better job that you are passionate about. If you still have your regular job, balance your salary with your expenses and as soon as you deal with all depts start putting money aside for a rainy day or for your long-term dreams.


2. Exercise Regularly

There’s been a lot of sitting down during quarantine, so it’s time to build a realistic exercise routine that you will stick to. Make exercising fun by doing something you enjoy such as yoga, Pilates, aerobics, dancing, martial arts, cardio etc. and watch your body and mental health transform. If you are not fond of exercise routines, you can also take regular walks and keep yourself moving. You can also take the stairs instead of the elevator at work or at home or even run up and down the stairs. This will give you an energy boost that will get you going for hours.


3. Try a new diet plan

Staying at home certainly lead to a lot of unconscious snacking and a large amount of processed food, sweets and fast food. This is a habit that you should now stop. Your body needs a balanced diet with all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed to keep you happy and healthy. There are so many wonderful diet programs available that it would be difficult not to find one that matches your tastes and preferences. So, find the one you like the most and stick to it.


4. Give yourself a new look

Being at home for so long in your sweats or your pajamas with undyed hair roots and messy hair certainly made you feel much less appealing. Working on your look would be a refreshing change that will boost your self esteem and make you feel more beautiful than ever. Get your nails done, get a facial, cut or style your hair, change your hair color or add some highlights and welcome the New Year in style.


5. Go Shopping

In case you didn’t know, shopping has healing powers as it positively affects personal satisfaction and overall wellbeing. Buy yourself something new, no matter how small or expensive it may be, we guarantee that it will make you feel good about yourself. Shopping doesn’t necessarily suggest that you have to buy something for yourself, you can also buy things for others that will also make you feel happy and fulfilled.


6. Plan a vacation

You’ve been waiting for so long to pack your bags and go. Now that time is approaching so you can actually start planning your dream vacation. Pick a destination and start organizing your journey, your itineraries, the sights and attractions you wish to visit and the activities you want to attend. Planning a trip will get you excited and boost your happiness for weeks. It will also give you something to look forward to.


7. Explore new hobbies

With so much sitting around and nothing to do, you most likely had many thoughts of all the things you could have done with your life and never got around to do. Well, maybe it’s time to get your thoughts in order and add a fun activity to your weekly routine. Whether it’s dancing or a photography, piano lessons, gardening, a visit to a theater or a museum or a charity fundraiser, a new hobby will help you feel better about yourself, boost your mood and allow you to feel motivated and satisfied.


8. Spend less time on your phone

With so much screen time at home and work, you are probably losing touch with reality. Visit a friend or meet outside instead of talking on the phone for hours, watch a play instead of a movie on TV, play laser tag instead of video games and attend a concert instead of listening to your favorite band on your mp4. Life is happening now, there is no pause or rewind, so make sure you live your life to the fullest now that you can.


9. Recycle more

The coronavirus has become a significant threat to human health and economy, but that doesn’t mean that we should neglect the environmental crisis which is a different and greater threat coming from an entirely different direction. It’s never to late to save the planet so begin with something small…recycle. Use the recycle bins to throw plastic, glass, metal and paper and motivate others to do the same.

Be optimistic, positive and open to new ideas and beautiful opportunities that may come along in the new year. We wish that 2021 is a year of prosperity and enlightenment, of new beginnings and fulfilling experiences. Embrace it with ambition!



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