Olympic Games: The Light of Grace and Virtue

Αρχαίο Πνεύμα αθάνατο, αγνέ πατέρα του ωραίου, του μεγάλου και του αληθινού… Ολυμπιακός Ύμνος, Κωστής Παλαμάς

Ancient Immortal Spirit, pure father οf beauty, of greatness and of truth… The Olympic Anthem, by Kostis Palamas

Ancient Times

The Olympic Games were born in Ancient Greece and are thought to have started in 776 B.C. in honour of Zeus and the Olympic Gods. They were held every 4 years, or every Olympiad, which was a unit of time in historical times. During the Games all conflicts and wars would be postponed and truce would spread around, indicating the core value of the event which is Peace. The winners of the Games were coroneted with an olive tree branch, the symbol of life and victory.

The revival

The revival of the Olympic Games was the result of the dream and effort of a visionary man, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who established the modern Olympic Games in 1896. These first modern Olympic Games were held in Greece, their birthplace, and have since travelled all around the world, transferring their indelible ideas of promoting noble competition, healthy body and soul and peace among nations.

The symbols and their value

Apart from the olive tree branch, symbolizing the life that comes from the olive tree, the Olympic flag with the famous colourful intertwined rings, represents the unity of the five continents and embodies the notion of worldwide peace and noble competition, infusing the idea of brotherhood, the elimination of geographical borders and discrimination among races and casts.

The Olympic flame starts its journey from the Ancient Olympia, the birthplace of the Games and travels around the world, before the official commencement of the Games. It is then kept in the stadium, shedding the light of its values to the world.

The motto of the Olympic Games “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (Faster, Higher, Stronger) encapsulates the ideal of continuous progress of mankind.

Modern Times

The Olympic Games are nowadays the greatest athletic event. Every four years, the organizing country, proudly welcomes athletes from all over the world in a celebration of equality and healthy spirit.

Greece is among the countries that have proudly hosted the Olympic Games (1896 and 2004) warmly welcoming all travelers to watch the Games in their birthplace.

Supporting the Olympic spirit, apart from the Olympic Games, there are also the Paralympics, the Games where the true virtue of effort and hope is represented.

Olympic Games 2012

This year our eyes and minds are turned to London, the thriving British capital, and we are all excited to watch the Olympic Games till the closing ceremony.

With athletes from all around the world, Cycladia could not but wish them all to go a little “Faster, Higher, Stronger”.


Let us all hope that those notions and ideals spark a light in all hearts and minds so that the true spirit of the Games prevail in every corner of the world…

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